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“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” -Aristotle.

I’m forever grateful to our public schools. My wife, and I are both products of public schooling, and our daughter just entered middle school in SCPS. My wife was a first-grade teacher for many years, so I saw firsthand the dedication, passion, and commitment that the teachers, and staff show day in, day out, sun up to sun down. That’s why I’m so humbled and honored to be a part of the Foundation for Seminole County Public Schools which I see as the financial heart of Seminole County Public Schools.

With continuous support of our generous community, this past year the Foundation was able to:

  • Provide 23 students transition to college scholarships with a 2-year Florida Prepaid scholarship along with a caring volunteer mentor through Take Stock in Children
  • Donate over $2 million in school supplies and classroom materials to teachers at Tools 4 Seminole Schools
  • Award over 45 teacher grants benefitting over 10,000 students through STEM, ELA and Arts projects through Grants for Great Ideas

Through our supported programs such as Take Stock in Children, Tools 4 Seminole Schools, or Families in Need, FSCPS is helping lead the hearts, hands & minds of our community & the next generation of leaders by telling their stories and helping to shape their future narrative.  Seminole County is one of the best in Florida. The success of the school district, and Foundation for SCPS would not be possible without the incredible amount of time, and financial investments put in by both our community leaders, and incredible business partners. As we round out a 4th decade since our founding, I’m more excited than ever about the further opportunities in front of us to come together as one community with our time, talent, and treasures to write the story our children deserve.

On behalf of our Foundation board, SCPS leadership, teachers, parents, and students, we thank you for your support, and look forward to your ongoing partnership.


Brian Luc

Foundation Board Chair 2024– 2025
Director, BNY