Auditions for the 23rd Annual Arts Alive in Seminole! are open to students and employees of Seminole County Public Schools. There are several opportunities for performances throughout the event including the reception, performing the national anthem, during dinner as well as the after-dinner show. We are looking for a variety of entertainment, upbeat and lively, with SCPS students/staff. We need solos, duets, small and large group performers from all genres of the arts including vocal, dance, instrumental, and theatre.
Auditions will be held:
- Monday, October 7th from 2:30 – 7:30 PM at Lake Howell High
- Wednesday, October 9th from 2:00 – 8:00 PM at Seminole High
If selected, you will perform at the main event on Saturday, November 16th at the Westin Lake Mary and must be available for the dress rehearsal on Friday, November 15th between 3-9 PM. More than 300 guests will be in attendance at this fundraising event to support the visual and performing arts programs in our schools.
ONLINE APPLICATION DEADLINE: Tuesday, October 1, 2019. Click here for more information and to fill out your online application. All applicants will receive an audition and will be notified of your audition time and location via email by October 3rd.
Arts Alive Frequently Asked Questions
What is Arts Alive? Arts Alive in Seminole! is a fundraising event hosted by The Foundation for Seminole County Public Schools that highlights the visual and performing arts of students and staff in our schools with the net proceeds going to support the arts in every Seminole County Public school as well as many district wide art programs. The evening includes a reception, silent and live auction, dinner and the highlight – an after-dinner show.
What types of performances are The Foundation and judges looking for? There are several opportunities for performances throughout the event including the reception, performing the national anthem, during dinner as well as the after-dinner show. We are looking for a variety of entertainment, upbeat and lively, with SCPS students/staff. We need solos, duets, small and large group performers from all genres of the arts including vocal, dance, instrumental, and theatre. We attempt to have representation from schools throughout the district and a variety of grade levels. While the judges are always amazed at the amount of talent in our schools, due to timing limitations only a limited number of acts will be selected by the audition judges to perform at the November 16th event.
When are the auditions and who can audition? Auditions are open to all current Seminole County Public School students and employees. Family members may perform along with a student or employee.
– Monday, October 7 at Lake Howell High Auditorium from 2:30 – 7:30 PM (4200 Dike Road, Winter Park)
– Wednesday, October 9 at Seminole High Auditorium from 2:00 – 8:00 PM (2701 Ridgewood Ave, Sanford)
How do I audition? All students and employees who have completed the online audition application will be allowed to audition. The application deadline is Tuesday, October 1, 2019 and the online application can be found on The Foundation’s website: www.FoundationSCPS.org/events.
You will be notified via e-mail no later than October 3 of your scheduled audition time. We will strive to schedule you at a time convenient for you but due to the anticipated number of auditions, we cannot guarantee a particular day or time for auditions. Since auditions are scheduled back-to-back, please make every effort to make your scheduled time. We cannot guarantee another date and time.
What if I’m selected to perform at Arts Alive? Those who are chosen will perform at this fundraiser on Saturday, November 16, you will be provided a specific time to arrive to the Westin Lake Mary that evening. You MUST also be available for a mandatory dress rehearsal on the afternoon/evening of Friday, November 15.
Important Audition Information
1) You are expected to audition in the same attire you would perform in at the event. Restrooms at both high schools are available for changing if needed.
2) Piano, microphones (standing), chairs, sound system, music stands and a CD player will be provided. Performers must provide all other equipment! You must audition with the equipment that will be used at the November 16th performance.
3) The size of the stage for the performance is 32’ x 12’.
4) Audition times will be scheduled in 30-minute windows. Plan to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled audition time block. When you arrive, check in with The Foundation staff in the auditorium lobby and you will be issued an audition number.
5) You will be notified via e mail no later than October 3 of your scheduled audition time. We cannot guarantee a particular day or time for auditions but we will strive to schedule you at a time convenient for you. Please call (407) 320-0180 if you have any questions or are unable to attend your scheduled audition time. NOTE: Since all audition times are scheduled back-to-back, please make every effort to make your scheduled time. We cannot guarantee another date and time.
6) Dance and Vocal Performers: If you require recorded music to perform your talent, you must bring a CD for the audition and leave it with The Foundation staff member at registration. IT WILL NOT BE RETURNED. The CD must be compatible with standard audio equipment.
7) Vocal-free background music is encouraged for vocal performances and can be purchased at websites such as www.musicminsone.com and www.pocketsongs.com
8) If you plan on using live accompaniment the night of the event, you MUST audition in that manner.
9) If performing as a group, all participants’ names, school and grade level must be included on the application form.
10) All performances are a MAXIMUM OF THREE MINUTES IN LENGTH. You will be asked to stop if you go over the time limit.
11) NO cameras, videos or recording devices will be allowed at auditions or during the event. Parents will be permitted to sit in the rear of the auditorium during their child’s audition. At the event, parents of performers are allowed to view the performances from the green room.
12) While the judges are always amazed at the amount of talent in our schools, due to timing limitations only a limited number of acts will be selected by the audition judges to perform at the November 16th event.
13) Those who are chosen will perform at this fundraiser on Saturday, November 16, you will be provided a specific time to arrive at the Westin Lake Mary to perform that evening. You MUST also be available for a mandatory dress rehearsal on the afternoon/evening of Friday, November 15.
14) Individual and group participation in Arts Alive in Seminole! constitutes an agreement by the participant(s) to The Foundation for Seminole County Public Schools’ use and distribution (both now and in the future) of all participants’ image or voice in photographs, video, electronic reproductions and audiotapes of all events and activities.