Back Row L-R: Davia Moss, Executive Director, The Foundation for SCPS; Mario Cespedes, Student, Lyman High School; Brian Urichko, Principal, Lyman High School; Mary Acken, Teacher, Lyman High School; Michelle St. Amour, former Principal, Stenstrom Elementary School; Dr. Janet Garzia, Principal, Stenstrom Elementary School; Troy McNichols, DPL, Regional Director, AT&T Corporate External & Legislative Affairs; Chris Parry, Student, Lyman High School
Front Row L-R: Eli Goldberg, Student, Lyman High School; Patrick Thompson, Student, Lyman High School
The Foundation for SCPS is pleased to announce a $4,000 AT&T grant to benefit AT&T STEM at Work projects at Lyman High School and Stenstrom Elementary School. “We know industries engaged in STEM disciplines will create a majority of high-value, high-wage jobs and within ten years, almost nine out of ten new jobs will require education beyond a high school degree,” said Joe York, AT&T Florida President. “We are pleased to make this contribution because Florida’s K-12 education foundations are well positioned to be the link between schools and local businesses for students, enabling them to build connections with potential employers in their communities, get a sense of what careers they offer and the skill sets they require.”
Read the full story here.